So, it's summer again. School is out, it's a million and a half degrees outside, and the library is the raddest place to hang out.
Wait, what?
Yeah, that's right. I said the library is where the party is at this summer. Just like every summer. We've got a bevy (yes, a bevy) of super sweet events happening at every single library in the county.
Like video games? We got that. Are you an artist? We got that, too. Just want something to do this summer that doesn't involve sitting on the couch flipping through reruns of bad tv you didn't want to watch the first time it came on? We got you covered.
(click picture to embiggen)Wait, what?
Yeah, that's right. I said the library is where the party is at this summer. Just like every summer. We've got a bevy (yes, a bevy) of super sweet events happening at every single library in the county.
Like video games? We got that. Are you an artist? We got that, too. Just want something to do this summer that doesn't involve sitting on the couch flipping through reruns of bad tv you didn't want to watch the first time it came on? We got you covered.
Yeah, we want you to read, but so does everybody else. We're the only ones who will give you free stuff for doing it, though. Call it a bribe (because that's totally what it is) but at least we're honest about it.
Cool flyer